Since this Full Moon is falling on Diana & Hecate’ Feast Day as well as Aradia’s Birthday, plus the Sanctuary’s 1st Anniversary. We will be not only Honoring Diana & Hecate’ as well as, Aradia & her contribution to the Continuation of the Old Ways, plus our Anniversary, with a Feast before Ritual & a Flaming Cauldron Ceremony, during Ritual.

We will each feed the Fires of the Old Ways with various Flammable Materials, each adding something different to symbolize our Diversity that we each bring to the Sanctuary, while at the same time Kindling the Fires of the Old Ways as Community. The Corn/ Barley Moon is time for Celebrating not only our personal & Spiritual harvesting, but for Rites of the Community & that connection that we each have one to the other as well. Dont ya just love it when everything just sort of falls right into place at the perfect time 🙂 We will be providing various herbs, woods, flowers & such to add to the Flaming Cauldron, but we do encourage everyone who wishes to bring whatever natural material that they feel lead to burn as part of our Rite.

I am very pleased to announce that, Amber will be Elevated as Misfit Sanctuary’s Official Maiden, during our Ceremony. We will also be recognizing our Clergy Members & presenting them with their official symbol of office as well.

As you can see we have lots of awesome things going on in Celebration of the Sanctuary’s Anniversary. So if ya can come out & join us in Celebration. As always, please feel free to share something of your Tradition or whatever you feel lead to share with the group.  Please bring a side-dish, drinks or dessert to contribute to the Feast. Looking forward to seeing yall on Sunday……..Dont forget your Chalice 😉

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