Misfit Sanctuary received Legal Articles of Incorporation
from the North Carolina Department
of the Secretary of State
on the 12th day of
August, 2010

Tenets of Misfit Sanctuary

  • We believe that the source of All things is both masculine and feminine in nature.
    Neither being exalted over the other
  • We believe that all humans have a spark of divine within themselves.
    Treat everyone as that gift of the Divine
  • We believe in love, life and harmony as the spiritual foundation of our ways.
     and laughter, don’t forget the laughter
  • We believe in the Law of Action and Reaction, and that what we do affects others, and
    what others do affects us. Therefore we always strive to live in peace with everyone.
    Spread that love and good vibes like it’s free, cause it is!!!
  • Do not belittle another’s religious beliefs, but simply state your own truths.
    Let’s not belittle anyone period….. lift them up and pray for their Highest good!!!
  • We believe in Karma, we believe in responsibility and consequences.
    Always do your best!!!
  • We Strive to be compassionate to others, and to be aware of the hearts & minds
    of those around you.
    Kindness lays the groundwork for compassion and understanding follows.
  • We believe in the expression of religious beliefs through rituals and festivals.
    Join us if ya can, but honor the day either way to build a stronger Spiritual connection.
  • We believe in Earth Energy, we acknowledge places and objects of natural power
    existing upon the Earth.
    Honor the Earth and Her children by treading lightly!
  • We believe in a positive afterlife and a successful spiritual evolution.
    Party on Dude!!!
  • We believe that everything in Nature is of equal importance. Everything is linked and
    entwined beyond all separation.
    WE ARE ONE!!!****Misfits like to flip each other off LOL and give each other a hard time
    as family does, however Bashing people is not tolerated!!!

Misfit Sanctuary By-Laws

ARTICLE I Membership
Section 1. Admission into membership
a) A written application for membership shall be placed with the Chancellor or the Secretary of the Council. Applications will consist of ones legal name, contact information, name applicant wishes to be known by and a valid State ID. As well as and acceptance of the constitution, by-laws, and the Tenets of Misfit Sanctuary.
b) After attending 6 Misfit Sanctuary Holy Days those requesting membership, will be presented with Misfit Sanctuary’s Tenets of Belief.
c) Applicant shall make public confession of their acceptance of Misfit Sanctuary Tenets of Belief.
d) At this point an Application may filled out. Must include a valid State ID, which will be used to obtain a Sex Offender back ground check. The Sanctuary then will file a copy of State ID with the written members application.
e) Before becoming an Official Misfit, an applicant must have attended at least six Misfit Sanctuary Holy Days, a Business Meeting, as well as participate in at least 1 Misfit Project, which can include Community Service/Outreach Projects within the span of 13 months.
f) New members of the Sanctuary shall be welcomed in true Misfit fashion at the next Service of the Sanctuary.
g) Classes of membership.
Officers, members of Clergy and Active Founding Members of this Sanctuary will be known as Sanctuary Elders. Elders of the Sanctuary are charged with the overall business management of the Sanctuary under the leadership of the Chancellor. The spiritual and educational needs of the membership are attending by the Clergy known as Priest or Priestess who are ordained in accord with the provisions of these by-laws. The members of Clergy will appoint one Priest and one Priestess from among the Clergy to serve the congregation at the leisure of the council in the position of High Priest and High Priestess. Together the High Priestess and High Priest are known as the senior clergy, each equally responsible for the spiritual and educational needs of the Sanctuary and community. All other members, accepted by the council for membership and in good standing will be known as Active Members. Active Members may ascend to any office of the Sanctuary in accord with the provisions of these by-laws. Non-active Members forfeit their right to vote as well as hold any office in the Sanctuary.
Section 2. Children of Members
Children of the members of the Sanctuary and its constituency shall be nurtured under its spiritual care when so desired by the child’s parents. At the time they choose to do so, children may make application for membership as specified in Article I1,a) above
Section 2.1 Associate Membership
Any person desiring an association with the Sanctuary yet not wishing to be a full member, make application in the manner of Article I1a above for associate membership. Associate members are granted all rights and privileges of members with the sole exceptions that they may not vote nor ascend to the clergy and may not hold office in the Sanctuary.
Section 2.2 Non-active Member Membership
All members of the Sanctuary are required to have contact with the Sanctuary
at least once each year. When this requirement is not met the Active Member becomes a Non-active Member. Non-active Members forfeit their right to vote as well as hold any office in the Sanctuary. Full Membership will be reinstated when said member becomes active in Sanctuary functions.
Section 3 Responsibility of Membership
All members accept responsibility for their own actions as they reflect upon the name of the Sanctuary. Members are responsible for living life in a manner that inspires respect for the Sanctuary. Members respect the faith of all people and the right of all to choose a path which is correct for them. Members are responsible for the guests that they bring to Sanctuary gatherings and functions.
Section 4 Discipline
a)Negligent members
Members who willfully neglect their duties as outlined in Section 3 above shall
be admonished by the council. If this admonition is not heeded, they shall be dealt with as erring members.
b)Erring members
Any member known to err in conduct which brings discredit on the Sanctuary shall be counseled. If he or she does not heed this counsel, the matter shall be brought to the attention of the Clergy. If he or she fails to heed the counsel of the Clergy, the error shall be brought before a congregational business meeting. Discipline shall then be administered with due regard for the welfare of the individual as well as the Sanctuary.
c)Dismissal of members
Dismissal of a member under paragraphs a) and b) of this section must be acted on by the Sanctuary, which alone has the authority. A two-thirds vote of those present and voting at a congregational business meeting is necessary for such action.
d)Forfeiture of rights
A member who has been properly dismissed from the Sanctuary, or has withdrawn membership, has forfeited all rights and privileges of membership in the Sanctuary.
e)Non-active members
Members whom have been previously deemed as Non-active Members, and have remained Non-active for another Wheel of the Year, shall be removed from the Sanctuary’s Membership Rolls. All members of the Sanctuary are required to have contact with the Sanctuary at least once each year.
a) Non-Active Members whom have broken communication with the Sanctuary
If the non-active member has completely broken communication with the Sanctuary, further confirmation will not be necessary to remove their membership.
Section 5. Removal of membership
Request for withdrawal from membership in the Sanctuary shall be made in writing to the chancellor or the council. All requests for removal from membership of any member will be verified with the member and will be so honored. Membership may also be withdrawn from non-active members who have not had contact with the Sanctuary for a period greater than one year, per section 4e above.
Section 6. Nonmember friends
The Sanctuary as a part of its total constituency shall enroll nonmember friends. The Sanctuary and its clergy shall serve them in all their spiritual needs, and they shall be encouraged to consider this as their Sanctuary home. They shall be kept informed of the activities of the Sanctuary.

Section 1. Qualifications
The clergy of the Sanctuary shall include those members that have been active Members within the Sanctuary completed the Initiates as well as Priest/Priestess training and has been fully Initiated as such through the Sanctuary, and have accepted a calling to the clergy. On request of any active member of the Sanctuary that meets that requirement, an oral examination will be given by the Clergy. The examination may include any such material that has been establish as requisite knowledge of the clergy of this Sanctuary. Any member requesting admission to the clergy that does not meet the requirements of the examination will be guided and aided by the Chancellor until they are accepted. They shall by virtue of their call be members of the Sanctuary and will be known as Priest or Priestess.
Section 2. Duties
The clergy shall be devoted to the service of the Sanctuary, teaching what they know, administering ceremony, and faithfully giving themselves to the needs of the Sanctuary. They shall provide the Sanctuary with an accurate record of their ministerial acts and present a written report to the congregational annual business meeting. They shall practice good administrative procedures and cooperate with the Sanctuary council. They shall be ex officio members of the council and all committees of the Sanctuary. All clergy of the Sanctuary are expected to perform those rites and services normally expected of ministers whenever asked to do so.
Section 3. Co-operation
The clergy shall, both in word and precept, work in harmony with the Chancellor, the Elders, and the members of the Sanctuary. Clergy in training will be trained for 2 years prior to becoming official clergy.
Section 4. Ordination
a) The clergy shall be trained for a full Wheel of the year before being ordained.
b) The clergy shall be ordained at a regular or special Sanctuary business meeting, the purpose of which shall be announced two weeks in advance. The clergy shall be nominated and accepted by council.
Section 5. Charges against a Priest or Priestess
Charges against a clergyman shall be submitted in writing to the Sanctuary council, charging a clergyman with indiscretion, immorality, doctrinal error, unethical behavior, or disloyalty to the Sanctuary. If in the judgment of the Sanctuary council there is substance to the charges, the council will offer a hearing where the accused and accuser may state their points. Once the case is stated by each the accused and the accuser and any available witnesses or testimony is heard, the Council will make a decision regarding what action to take. The decision of the council will be final.
Section 2. Duties
a) Chancellor
The chancellor shall preside at all business meetings of the Sanctuary and of the council. The chancellor shall take care to confer with the senior clergy in preparing the agenda for such meetings, and to utilize the counsel that the clergy may give by virtue of training, experience, and calling. The chancellor shall be responsible for leadership of the Sanctuary services.
b)Vice- Chancellor
The vice-chancellor shall assume the duties of the chancellor in his or her absence, assist in his or her duties, and undertake other tasks as assigned by the chair, the council, or the clergy.
c) Secretary
The secretary shall keep and preserve the minutes of all congregational business meetings of the Sanctuary and meetings of the council, and shall conduct and preserve all official correspondence as shall be delegated. The secretary shall also be responsible for the official seal and documents of the Sanctuary as well as the records of membership.
d) Treasurer
The treasurer shall be responsible for all funds committed to him or her and shall make disbursements as authorized by the Sanctuary or the Elders. The treasurer shall also present a written report of the receipts and expenditures to each regular meeting of the council and to each congregational business meeting.
Section 3. Election and Tenure
The chancellor, vice-chancellor, secretary, and treasurer shall be elected at an annual congregational business meeting for terms of five years. They shall not be elected to serve more than two consecutive full terms in the same office.
Section 4. Vacancies
Such vacancies as occur among the Sanctuary officers may be filled by appointment of the chancellor, with the concurrence of the council. The appointee will serve until the next annual congregational business meeting; if an un-expired term continues beyond the date of that meeting, the position will be filled by election as under Section 3 above. Such appointive service will not disqualify a person from serving two full terms under the terms of Section 3.
Section 5. Discipline
Should an officer neglect his or her duties or become a hindrance to the works of the Sanctuary, that officer shall be admonished by the council and/or the chancellor in a manner consistent with Article I, Section 4 of these bylaws. Should such admonition not be heeded, a vote of two-thirds of the council, with the concurrence of the senior clergy, will be sufficient to remove that person from office, the vacancy to be filled as under Section 4 above.
Section 1. Public Services
Public services shall be conducted regularly when deemed appropriate.
Section 2. Celebrating the Holy Days and Full Moons
a) The congregation of the Sanctuary will come together as a whole on each of the Holy Days for the purpose of celebrating the day. The Clergy is charged with planning the location, activities and liturgy of the celebration. The celebration of Full Moons will be co-ordinated by the Clergy and will occur approximately once a month at such time and place as determined by the Clergy.
b) Misfit Sanctuary is an open circle, we welcome all those of the light to our events and gatherings. We are a family friendly group that strives in every way to create a safe haven for everyone in attendance. With this being said, If you are legally required to appear on any Sex Offender Registry, or if the safety or well being of our attendees comes into question we reserve the right to ask that you do not attend any Sanctuary events. Disrespectful, disruptive or belligerent individuals will be escorted away from the property, regardless of the venue.
Section 3. Congregational Business Meetings
Congregational business meetings shall be held regularly and not less than semiannually, as specified in Article VIII of the constitution. The chancellor of the Sanctuary in consultation may call special business meetings with the senior clergy or by the Elders.
Section 4. Organizational Meetings
Meetings and activities of the organizations of the Sanctuary shall be planned and conducted regularly under the direction and supervision of the council.
ARTICLE VII General Provisions
Section 1. Quorum
a) Fifteen percent of the membership present and voting at a business meeting properly called shall constitute a quorum.
b) The quorum for the council, committee, and task force meetings shall be a majority of their respective memberships.
Section 2. Rules of Order
All business meetings of the Sanctuary shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 1. Amendments
Amendments to these bylaws not in conflict with the constitution may be adopted at any regular congregational business meeting, or at a special business meeting called for that purpose, by a two thirds vote of the members present and voting, providing that such amendments have been presented in writing to the council and at a preceding regular congregational business meeting.

Misfit Sanctuary Constitution

The name of this church shall be Misfit Sanctuary
ARTICLE II Affiliation
The Sanctuary is not affiliated with any governing religious body. The Sanctuary will always strive to cooperate with others of like or different faith while maintaining its privilege of self-rule.
ARTICLE III Confession of Faith
The Sanctuary believes in the privilege of all to seek and follow that which is right in their own faith. The Sanctuary holds faith in the Law of Action and Reaction, and that what we do affects others, and what others do affects us and in such necessary corollaries and axioms as the above Tenets entails. Therefore we always strive to live in peace with everyone. We believe in love, life and harmony as the spiritual foundation of our ways.
The purpose of the Sanctuary shall be to unite Pagans in worship and fellowship for their personal spiritual development as well as the greater community.
ARTICLE V Membership
Membership in the Sanctuary is granted to all who apply, declare their acceptance of our Tenets as a guide for life, and are approved by a body of Misfit Sanctuary Elders.
The officers of the Sanctuary shall be a chancellor, a vice-chancellor, a secretary, and a treasurer.
ARTICLE VII Sanctuary Council
Section 1.
The general administration of the Sanctuary shall be vested in a body known as the Sanctuary Council. In circumstances or where law requires action(s) by “Trustees” the council shall be known as “the Board of Trustees” and the members of it as “trustees.”
Section 2.
The council shall consist of up to thirteen (13) members, as specified in the bylaws, including the High Priest and High Priestess, who shall be ex-officio members of the council.
Section 3.
The council shall organize itself including the election of Sanctuary officers in a manner specified in the bylaws.
ARTICLE VIII Business Meetings
Section 1.
Regular business meetings shall be held at stated intervals, but not less than semiannually. The annual business meeting shall be held in August. At the annual meeting, written progress reports shall be submitted by the High Priest, High Priestess, and by each committee of the Sanctuary . The treasurer for the Sanctuary and each of its organizations shall submit financial reports. Officers of the council for the ensuing year shall be elected by ballot. Members will update their membership forms.
Section 2.
Members shall be informed of all Sanctuary business meetings not less than one week prior to the meeting. Such information shall include the date, time of meeting, and an agenda of business to be transacted.
In the event of dissolution, all Misfit Sanctuary assets will be distributed accordingly between Turtle Island Preserve, 2683 Little Laurel Rd, Boone, NC 28607. And Carolina Raptor Center, 6000 Sample Rd, Huntersville, NC 28078.
ARTICLE X Amendments
Amendments in harmony with this constitution and not in conflict with Misfit Sanctuary principles and practices, may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting in an annual meeting of Misfit Sanctuary, providing the proposed amendment was presented in written form at the preceding business meeting.

 Tenets of Misfit Sanctuary
Members app update