Stories Written by Misfits

With a hand over her eyes to get a better view, she surveyed her home and yard. She had been working hard all day in her garden and yard, preparing for the guests she would receive later that evening. Basking in the warmth of the early Spring sun, she had grown weary and by late afternoon, decided to go in for a rest. The pollen filled air, the bursting energy of Gaia awakening made her feel lightheaded and drowsy. All around her there was a silent hum, the air buzzed with energy, the trees sang with new life and her entire body was drenched with sacred sweat of a good days work in her garden. With all the doors and windows in her small tucked away cottage open, allowing the four winds to wash away the stale energy of a long cold winter, she walked in and lay down on her bed to rest her eyes for a moment. Sleep quickly over took her and for a short while she was lost in the ethereal world of her dreams. When she finally awoke, she felt disoriented for a moment. The sun had gone down and in its place, a pale soft moon shadow fell across her floor.

The world had taken on a luminous glow. She sat up and looked around. At first she felt a small chill travel her spine when she realized she had slept with her house wide open to any wayward soul, friend or foe, that might pass by, but then felt safe again knowing the Great Mother protects those in slumber. Worried she had slept too long she jumped up and placed her feet directly in the moon fell. A child-like impulse filled her body and the urge to dance about over took her and a smile spread across her face. She scurried across the one-roomed house to the open front door as awe and wonder filled her heart at the beauty of the night.

Above her, the moon shone down in silvery misty blue threads, below her, the deep valley was filled with glowing lights of the fae folk as the fog from the river, mingled with the moonshine drifted up to greet her, and everywhere all around the harmony of shadow and light was greater in Her light than in the light of the sun. She stepped out on her porch and then into the yard, her bare feet meeting the cool earth with delight. A breeze drifted up her dress and the shifting material on her skin sent shivers of ecstasy across her body. She felt the energy of the moon, the stars and the earth fill her body with divine connection.

The Goddess was blessing her at that moment and confirming Her love and presence all around her. In rapture of Spirit she threw up her arms in praise to the Great Mother and drew down the moons power into her bosom. She closed her eyes and released a cry of gratitude in a tongue she didn’t know but somehow knew the meaning too. When she opened them, her body was enswirled in a luminous energy that was both her own and not. The cry she let out was met by the screech of a night owl, Hecate, and the howl of a lone wolf somewhere in the distant forests, Diana. The creatures of the night, she realized, was all around her and in that moment, she knew she was one of them. So with a song in her heart she turned and set about to welcome her evening guests. She went into her house, lit her candles and lamps and drew a bath. As she bathed she cleansed herself of any negative attachments, thoughts or worries of the day, in preparation for the coming ritual. When she was done, she put the finishing touches on the food she started earlier.

After all was done within, she went without to cleanse and prepare her circle of standing stones. She lit the wood in the fire pit, threw some cedar branches on the pile and the past years altar decorations, releasing the energy and sending an offering of wood incense to the Great Horned God, the God of the wild wood. After everything was prepared, she brought the food out to the tables. At that time she looked down across the valley and saw the first torch light of her guests arriving. In warm embraces she welcomed them all, her friends, her kith and her kin in spirit and in flesh. Everyone arrived on time and she greeted them all with a kiss. “ Ritual first, then we feast” she said to them with a glint of impishness in her eyes.

The moon rose higher in the sky and beckoned to them all, so to the stone circle she led them. The short path was canopied with branches and ancient vines with drops of moon dust dotting the floor of the forested path as a merry band of bare footed revelers made their way to the sacred space. There was lightness in the air and excitement in their hearts. Happy chatter filled the dark wood as they made their way up the hill to the ritual area. The destination and intent was well met with Divine energy and the night was well spent when they were done… The feast fed their hungry bellies and they all went home with love in their hearts…. And the moon waned and waxed all the while waiting for them to call once again.