6:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Location: Raven & Willow’s
Drew & Sarah will be officiating our Ritual.
We will be reenacting Amelthea and Zeus and the Horn of Plenty.
Feast to follow Ritual, Please bring a side dish to share.

Cornucopia is the start of the harvest season where we all take a minute
to reflect on the good things and blessings that we’ve received and harvested
over the past year. It is also a traditional time for giving to those that
did not receive the same amount of bounty as ourselves. Unfortunately, right
now, there is a Misfit family that has little more than a roof over their head and a pot to
pee in. They have no income of any kind, are receiving no government assistance
or family assistance, and they have almost no food. They don’t eat every day,
and when they do eat, they eat only one small meal. When was the last time you
had to ration your food? They’ve been looking for work, and have some ideas on
how to generate income, but in this economy jobs are scarce and small businesses
are hard to get off the ground. With this in mind, the Sanctuary will be collecting
at the Cornucopia ritual perishable and non-perishable food items, hygiene items,
cat food (because they’re starving too), and daily living items (ie toilet paper, paper towels,
dish/laundry soap, etc).
On behalf of this family, thank you.
See you Sunday!

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