I am the Altar   July 10th @ 3pm –13th @ 3pm   I am the Altar
A time to Kick Back, Relax & Recharge   

Adults $35 each Children 5-12 $10 each

Fees includes all 3 nights camping,
Thursday dinner, lunch & dinner Friday & Saturday

OK…. people we’ve got our Menu 🙂

Everyone is responsible for their own Beverages & Snacks.
Please feel free to round out any of our planned meals
with any additions you’d like to share.
Everyone is encouraged to bring Fruits, Snacks & such to share on our Community Table.
Sanctuary will provide Bagels, instant Grits & Oatmeal for a make yourself, when your ready breakfast.

If you’d like to take part in the Community Breakfast on Saturday,
bring your own pre-cooked meat, as well as your eggs & whatever else you’d like

For our Desserts….. we’ll all chip in ingredients
We’ll go more in depth on that on a later post 😉


Chicken or Beef Fajitas & Nachos
Dessert Burritos
Hot dogs & Chips
Pork loin, GD veggies, Corn
Campfire Cones for dessert
Sandwich & Chips
Pizza Party (everyone brings own toppings)

FEE’S MUST BE PAID BY JUNE 30th ……so we can purchase the Food & Supplies

We will be building a Fairy Village in celebration of Fairy Friday
stay tuned for more details 😉

It was decided that our Saturday outing will be a trip to a local Emerald Mine
Our group rate includes a tour of the mine….. more details to follow

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